Last year for Christmas I got 2 of my most favorite gifts from my wonderful parents... one was a GPS system for our car and the other was this most beautiful Coach bag. It was the perfect camel color and my first ever fancy purse. Well, you can imagine my dismay when I picked up my purse a couple of days ago to find this "artwork" all over the front of it. I could have just cried.
Ok, I thought to myself, I will just carry it so you can't see this side of the purse.

No such luck.
Are you kidding me? Every square inch of the bag has blue pen marks on it, there is no disguising or ignoring it. Seriously, and the real irony of the whole situation is that I can never find a pen. Ever. So, all I can figure out is that Jackson has some secret stash of all of my pens and uses them to torture me by writing on my bags when I am not paying attention. And he didn't choose the Target diaper bag or all of my other $20 TJ Max purses. Oh no... he chooses my one lone nice thing. How does this happen to me? And what is the lesson here?? I cannot believe that the lesson is that as a mother I can never have nice things because my children will ruin them. But, what do you do? I guess you just keep telling your children that "we write on paper" and save some dollars so that someday you can have a nice bag again when you feel like your children will not use it as their blank canvas. And you start writing with pencils.
LOLOLOLOL (That means really laughing really loudly over and over, just FYI) Super funny, but kind of poignant. Cool.